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Chi­na has giv­en the start­ing sig­nal! The race for data econ­o­my is on!

Prof. Dr Den­nis Kip­ker – Pho­to: Jas­min Lindenthal

From a Chi­nese per­spec­tive, data is a pro­duc­tion fac­tor on par with land, labour and cap­i­tal. Shang­hai’s first data exchange is one of the ear­li­est exam­ples of this new pro­duc­tion fac­tor being imple­ment­ed. It aims at mak­ing the col­lec­tion and sale of data trans­par­ent and at enabling com­pa­nies which col­lect data to max­i­mize the val­ue and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of their busi­ness. The goal is to put data in the hands of entre­pre­neurs who can use it most effi­cient­ly – just as West­ern stock and bond mar­kets allo­cate sav­ings to the com­pa­nies that can gen­er­ate the high­est risk-adjust­ed returns. Since arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) is the engine of the fourth indus­tri­al rev­o­lu­tion, data is its fuel. Will there soon be a data exchange in Europe so that the EU can keep up in the ​​field of AI?

In the lat­est of her Duet inter­views, Dr Cal­daro­la, author of Big Data and Law, and IT-Expert Prof. Dr Den­nis-Ken­ji Kip­ker talk about the new data com­merce in Shanghai’s data exchange.


How will dig­i­tal busi­ness mod­els be taxed in the future?

Svet­lana Schiel – Pho­to: Daria Pushkina

Despite the fact that dig­i­tal busi­ness mod­els have cre­at­ed an unprece­dent­ed amount of share­hold­er val­ue in the last decade, they are taxed at a sur­pris­ing­ly low lev­el in the coun­tries where they have the most cus­tomers. This has become the sub­ject of heat­ed pub­lic debate and has led to a num­ber of reg­u­la­to­ry ini­tia­tives, such as the OECD’s ‘Base Ero­sion and Prof­it Shift­ing’ (BEPS) 2.0 project. What impact will that ini­tia­tive have on the rela­tion­ship between dig­i­tal ser­vice providers, con­sumers and tax author­i­ties? Will the use of blockchain tech­nol­o­gy bring new oppor­tu­ni­ties to cor­po­rate tax enforce­ment by using real-time infor­ma­tion from shared trust­ed data sources?

In the lat­est of her Duet series, Dr Cal­daro­la, author of Big Data and Law, and tax expert, Svet­lana Schiel, con­sid­er new devel­op­ments in cor­po­rate tax laws as well as relat­ed future challenges.


How secure are the dig­i­tal devices used in medicine?

Sebas­t­ian Welke 

The dig­i­tal devel­op­ment in med­i­cine has been rapid and is rem­i­nis­cent of Hux­ley’s “Brave new world”. Be it the dig­i­tal health card or file, data dona­tions for can­cer research, the var­i­ous health apps, the many dig­i­tal pros­the­ses that com­mu­ni­cate with nerve tracts or even med­ica­tion that can be inter­faced with our smart­phone. One thing is cer­tain: The med­ical field is being trans­formed. But just how secure are these sys­tems? What risk do hack­ers pose?

In the lat­est of her Duet inter­views, Dr Cal­daro­la, author of Big Data and Law, and IT-Expert Sebas­t­ian Welke talk about infor­ma­tion secu­ri­ty in med­i­cine, its chances and the risks involved.


Dr Maria Cristina Caldarola

Dr Maria Cristina Caldarola, LL.M., MBA is the host of “Duet Interviews”, co-founder and CEO of CU³IC UG, a consultancy specialising in systematic approaches to innovation, such as algorithmic IP data analysis and cross-industry search for innovation solutions.

Cristina is a well-regarded legal expert in licensing, patents, trademarks, domains, software, data protection, cloud, big data, digital eco-systems and industry 4.0.

A TRIUM MBA, Cristina is also a frequent keynote speaker, a lecturer at St. Gallen, and the co-author of the recently published Big Data and Law now available in English, German and Mandarin editions.