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Are work and a guar­an­teed basic income mutu­al­ly exclu­sive or do they have a future together?

Prof. Dr Jür­gen Schupp – Pho­to: Ben­jamin Gross

The future of work is going to be char­ac­terised by key­words, such as big data, automa­tion, stan­dard­i­s­a­tion, job loss­es, the gap between rich and poor, the crum­bling of the social mar­ket econ­o­my and many more sim­i­lar terms. Is an uncon­di­tion­al basic income the key to inno­va­tion, an increase in GDP, and a new type of human and social coex­is­tence? Does an uncon­di­tion­al basic income real­ly finance itself because sav­ings in admin­is­tra­tion and increased pro­duc­tion due to automa­tion can then cov­er the expens­es? Who is going to pock­et the bill for an uncon­di­tion­al income? The state or the wealthy elite ‑anal­o­gous to the “Giv­ing Pledge”?

In a con­tin­u­a­tion of her Duet inter­views, Dr Cal­daro­la, author of Big Data and Law, talks to soci­ol­o­gist Prof. Dr Jür­gen Schupp, co-author of the recent book “Basic Income – From the Vision to the Creep­ing Wel­fare State Trans­for­ma­tion1, about the par­a­digm shift regard­ing uncon­di­tion­al income in the dig­i­tal age.


Is the mar­ket val­ue of ethics on the rise?

Prof. Dr Thomas Zeilinger

Well-known peo­ple such as Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Pope Leo VIII, Bis­mar­ck and Pro­fes­sors Röp­ke and Böck­en­förde claim that a mar­ket only works in a soci­ety of moral sub­jects because all human beings car­ry an impar­tial onlook­er with­in them­selves who makes itself felt when s/he does some­thing uneth­i­cal. With the advent of dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion, glob­al­i­sa­tion, automa­tion, the use of algo­rithms, big data, indus­try 4.0, dig­i­tal twins, avatars and robots, more and more tech­nolo­gies and objects are par­tic­i­pat­ing in a mar­ket which do not have any ethics of their own accord. If ethics are so impor­tant to the mar­ket and ethics is need­ed for the mar­ket to func­tion, how do we pre­serve ethics? Will our future (still) be ethical?

In her lat­est Duet inter­view, Dr Cal­daro­la, author of Big Data and Law, and not­ed pas­tor Prof. Dr Zeilinger dis­cuss the con­nec­tion between mar­ket and ethics.


If Art imi­tates life, can Big Data imi­tate Art?

Chris­t­ian Mon­jou M. Phil (Oxon.)

If we accept Pablo Picasso’s provoca­tive but remark­able state­ment that “good artists copy, but great artists steal…” then Big Data pro­vides us with more oppor­tu­ni­ties “to steal”. The prob­lem is then a mat­ter of choice and deci­sion. How does this align with Harold Bloom’s the­o­ry of inter­tex­tu­al­i­ty and the “anx­i­ety of influence”?

In the lat­est of her Duet series of inter­views, Dr Cal­daro­la, author of Big Data and Law, and Chris­t­ian Mon­jou M. Phil (Oxon.), con­nois­seur of art and bridge builder between art and man­age­ment, con­sid­er what impact the dig­i­tal rev­o­lu­tion will have on art and innovation.


Dr Maria Cristina Caldarola

Dr Maria Cristina Caldarola, LL.M., MBA is the host of “Duet Interviews”, co-founder and CEO of CU³IC UG, a consultancy specialising in systematic approaches to innovation, such as algorithmic IP data analysis and cross-industry search for innovation solutions.

Cristina is a well-regarded legal expert in licensing, patents, trademarks, domains, software, data protection, cloud, big data, digital eco-systems and industry 4.0.

A TRIUM MBA, Cristina is also a frequent keynote speaker, a lecturer at St. Gallen, and the co-author of the recently published Big Data and Law now available in English, German and Mandarin editions.